Surprise: Rose gold iPhone 6s appears to be the most preordered new iPhone

%name Surprise: Rose gold iPhone 6s appears to be the most preordered new iPhone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Gadgets fans around the world are probably well aware what day is today, regardless of whether they’re buying Apple’s newest iOS smartphone or not. Yes, it’s iPhone 6s launch day, which means there are lines in front of retail stores, some with robots in them, and preorder deliveries are underway in most markets, as long as they aren’t part of the Pope’s visit.

How many iPhones will Apple sell during launch weekend? What handset will be the most popular? A well-known insider who has an accurate track record reporting on Apple products has learned more details about Apple’s iPhone 6s preorder process.

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