Bad news, 16GB iPhone 6s owners: iOS 9 feature that saves storage space is delayed

%name Bad news, 16GB iPhone 6s owners: iOS 9 feature that saves storage space is delayed by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Fixing the iOS storage problems that surfaced as soon as iOS 8 was released last fall was one of Apple’s priorities for iOS 9. And Apple largely delivered. The new iOS 9 release requires three times less storage space than iOS 8 freeing up more memory to the user. At the same time, Apple slashed iCloud prices, making cloud storage even more affordable than before, and added a smart iOS feature that lets the device automatically delete apps to make sure a software update can be properly installed. Finally, Apple added a major new app-related feature in iOS 9 to further free up storage space called app thinning.

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