Would you buy a Microsoft smartphone? Reasons are getting scarce

%name Would you buy a Microsoft smartphone? Reasons are getting scarce by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Microsoft is not a force in phones and never has been. The software giant’s $7.6 billion write-off of its phone business makes it even less likely now that consumers will opt for its phones.

The Windows Phone platform is projected to have about 3 percent of the global phone market in 2015, according to market researcher IDC. That compares to about an 80 percent share for Android and over 16 percent for Apple (iOS).

With Android and Apple controlling the global phone market, that leaves very little for Microsoft to build a consumer phone business on. So, here’s a tough question for consumers: Would you buy a phone from a company that has just stated, however elliptically, that its consumer phone strategy is a bust?

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