Wicked funny video: Bostonian has epic freak out after seeing a ‘sea monstah’

%name Wicked funny video: Bostonian has epic freak out after seeing a ‘sea monstah’ by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

There’s nothing better than a Boston townie who completely lives up to every stereotype. Bostonian Michael Bergin went fishing last week when he spotted a large sun fish off the side of his boat. He proceeded to completely lose his mind about the creature and he referred to it alternatively as a “giant turtle,” a “baby whale,” a “tuna,” a “floundah” and, finally, a “monstah.” He also can’t seem to decide whether he wants to help the fish (“It needs help, dude, whatever it is, it’s dying!”) or to kill it (“We can get some big money from that if it’s a f—ing fish, man… let’s f—ing hook that s— and we’ll be on the f—ing news, man!”)

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