Why is Apple seemingly stunting the Apple TV as a gaming console?

%name Why is Apple seemingly stunting the Apple TV as a gaming console? by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The soon to be released fourth-gen Apple TV undoubtedly represents Apple’s boldest play for the living room yet. In addition to a smattering of new TV oriented features, the Apple TV also doubles as a gaming console, complete with its own App Store and wireless Wii-esque remote.

Earlier last week, fans excited about the prospects of gaming on the Apple TV were dealt some bad news. As we highlighted just a few days ago, Apple is requiring that all games developed for the Apple TV must work with the Siri-based remote Apple is shipping with each device.

Not mincing words, Apple’s tvOS App Programming Guide says quite explicitly: “Your game must support the Apple TV remote. Your game may not require the use of a controller.”

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