‘We love Google, but we fear Google’ – the full story of Google’s $6B EU nightmare

%name ‘We love Google, but we fear Google’ – the full story of Google’s $6B EU nightmare by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

“We love Google, but we fear Google,” Vodafone CEO Vittorio Colao said during a high-profile debate that Eric Schmidt lost badly to one of the most important Google opponents in Europe. The debate took place at an exclusive Google event last August, attended mainly by Googlers. While that may be seen as just an argument between powerful people manning top companies that affect our daily digital lives, Google’s business in Europe is actually at stake.

The search giant is facing intense scrutiny in Europe in an antitrust case that seemed to leave Google unharmed more than a year ago. But Google is a long way off from reaching a definitive settlement, as more and more companies make their concerns against Google heard. The company might be facing a $6 billion fine in a case that could have lasting damage to its business in the region.

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