Video: iPhone 6s teardown review provides definitive answers to RAM and battery questions

%name Video: iPhone 6s teardown review provides definitive answers to RAM and battery questions by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The iPhone 6s is currently on sale in various markets around the world, after nearly two weeks of preorders. The folks at iFixit, the well-known do-it-yourself gadget repair site, were among the first people in the world to get their hands on a fresh new iPhone. However, unlike Apple fans looking to actually use the handset, iFixit bought the rose gold 16GB iPhone 6s so that they could tear it apart as soon as possible.

The full video showing this “official” iPhone 6s dismantling process follows below – and yes, it provides definitive answers to your RAM and battery questions.

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