Verizon suspends worker for rescuing cat named Princess Momma from utility pole

%name Verizon suspends worker for rescuing cat named Princess Momma from utility pole by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A Philadelphia-area Verizon employee named Maurice German has found himself in some minor hot water with his employer, after he decided to use company equipment to rescue a cat named Princess Momma that had been stuck on a utility pole for 12 hours.

According to media reports, German came to the rescue after the cat’s owner called the local fire department, animal rescue and the telephone company. All, apparently, to no avail. To avoid catastrophe — no, I’m not going to hyphenate that word to create the pun, as much as I’d like to — German reportedly used the hydraulic lift in a Verizon “bucket” truck to scoop the kitty to safety

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