Try to wrap your mind around the incredible future Google is creating

%name Try to wrap your mind around the incredible future Google is creating by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Google’s Advanced Technology And Projects (ATAP) group is easily one of the most exciting divisions we know about at Google. The teams there are working on nothing short of shaping our future, and some of the technologies they’re developing seem like they are straight out of a science fiction movie. In fact, some of them are straight out of a science fiction movie.

Earlier this month at the annual Google I/O conference, the company showed off a number of exciting ATAP projects currently in development, and we discussed a few of the most exciting ones in our earlier coverage (you really have to check it out).

One of them in particular deserves to be revisited, however, because it really is mind-blowing.

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Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

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