This is your chance to ask Facebook to pay you $500 in exchange for your personal data

%name This is your chance to ask Facebook to pay you $500 in exchange for your personal data by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Even though Facebook is very useful when it comes to staying connected with friends, spying on your ex, and pretending you’re awfully happy with your life, the social network isn’t letting you do this for charity — rather, it’s vacuuming up as much information about you as it can to sell better ads. Facebook is willing to go pretty far to get all the information it can about you and it doesn’t have a spotless track record when it comes to observing the privacy of its customers. However, a new class action suit that started in Austria is inviting international Facebook users to join in and demand that Facebook fork over cash in exchange for using our personal data.

Read more here: Boy Genius Report

Posted in Mobile.