The 10 highest-paid CEOs in the tech industry

%name The 10 highest paid CEOs in the tech industry by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Exorbitant CEO salaries is an issue that has increasingly come under microscopic scrutiny in recent years. While many believe that CEO compensation packages have inexplicably skyrocketed, some, like JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, have casually dismissed the notion altogether.

In the tech world in particular, where the importance and pressure of making decisive and strategic decisions is arguably amplified, CEOs are unquestionably living large. Though not everyone is balling like former Oracle CEO Larry Ellison — who owns an island, a mega-yacht, 2 military jets, and many more extravagant toys — life at the top is still pretty good for those keeping things interesting in Silicon Valley.

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