Sprint blasts AT&T for using ‘fake 5G’ in full-page New York Times ad

%name Sprint blasts AT&T for using ‘fake 5G’ in full page New York Times ad by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

As exciting as the roll out of 5G is, the reality is that most consumers will have to wait quite a while before they find themselves in an area with 5G support. T-Mobile, as a quick example, recently announced that its 5G service won’t launch until the latter half of 2019.

In the interim, AT&T has taken a somewhat sneaky approach with respect to 5G. In a move that can appropriately be categorized as deceitful and misleading, AT&T has started replacing the 4G icon on select devices with a 5G E symbol, a symbol which refers to 5G Evolution. And what is 5G E, exactly? Well, AT&T describes it as “an evolutionary step to standards-based 5G.”

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  1. Sprint blasts AT&T for using ‘fake 5G’ in full-page New York Times ad

Sprint blasts AT&T for using ‘fake 5G’ in full-page New York Times ad originally appeared on BGR.com on Mon, 11 Mar 2019 at 18:04:18 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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