Pretend you already have Android 6.0 by downloading all of Marshmallow’s wallpapers right here

%name Pretend you already have Android 6.0 by downloading all of Marshmallow’s wallpapers right here by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Android M has a name, and it’s even tastier than Android L. Google gave its latest Android build an official name on Monday, and it released the final developer preview of Android 6.0 Marshmallow as well — you can download it right here. The new Android 6.0 build is only available for Nexus devices though, so most Android fans won’t be able to get their hands on Marshmallow for quite some time.

Don’t worry though, because you can already pretend you have Marshmallow.

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Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

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