Newt Gingrich’s Apple Watch Review is Smart and Insightful – Here’s Why That Shouldn’t Surprise You

%name Newt Gingrich’s Apple Watch Review is Smart and Insightful – Here’s Why That Shouldn’t Surprise You by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In case you haven’t seen it, Mashable has published a review of the Apple Watch written by former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Many people who thought that this would just be a cheap clickbait gimmick have come away surprised at how smart and insightful Gingrich’s review is about the device. But as a political junkie who has been following Newt’s career ever since he first rose to power when I was a teenager, I’m not surprised by this at all. In fact, gadget reviews are right in his wheelhouse.

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