New Gmail feature makes it easy to block annoying people – here’s how to use it

%name New Gmail feature makes it easy to block annoying people – here’s how to use it by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Email filters have existed forever. In fact, a few particularly annoying PR flacks probably would have driven me insane years ago had it not been for the ability to block their persistent pitches for clients whose products aren’t even close to being a fit for BGR. I’m sure everyone can relate — there are just always going to be some people you never want to hear from again.

Google has supported filters just like every other email provider out there ever since Gmail first launched. Today, however, the company announced a new feature that makes it very easy to instantly block annoying senders in just a few quick clicks.

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Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

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