Meet the dreadlocked hippie who’s an encryption guru and has the NSA freaking out

%name Meet the dreadlocked hippie who’s an encryption guru and has the NSA freaking out by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

While encryption and secured messaging has long been a topic of interest in tech circles, the issue became a mainstream and hot-button issue in 2013 following a series of Edward Snowden leaks detailing the NSA’s extensive efforts to bolster their electronic snooping capabilities.

In the back and forth battle over consumer privacy, one tends to think of government cryptographers looking to outwit engineers at companies like Google and Apple who help churn out some of the most widely used software across the globe.

But playing an instrumental role in this cat and mouse game is a man you might not ordinarily expect to see in such a discussion.

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