Man builds incredible DIY overhead control panel for his computer that must be seen to be believed

%name Man builds incredible DIY overhead control panel for his computer that must be seen to be believed by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

As far as DIY projects go, this overhead control panel may very well be the most impressive contraption we’ve ever seen. Put together by a Reddit user who goes by the name Smashcuts, the control panel — which boasts an awesome design straight out of a Sci-Fi movie — sports a number of captivating and vibrant LEDs alongside 100 programmable buttons which can do almost anything you can think of.

From opening apps and saving documents, to performing specific functions in applications like Adobe Photoshop, the wide array of functions this control panel can carry out is truly remarkable.

The entire project took a few months to put together, with the final creation weighing in at about 40 pounds.

Here’s how it was all put together, from the hand wiring to the laser etching and everything in between.

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Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

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