Let’s never speak again: The incredible benefits of searchable text

%name Let’s never speak again: The incredible benefits of searchable text by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

I could, in theory, phone everyone up that’s reading this story and convey this message to them via voice. I’m in no position to argue the merits of vocal interactions, and indeed, we all owe a great deal to Alexander Graham Bell and the invention of the first practical telephone. But we’re beyond that now. The power of the Internet is too great to encapsulate in a single article, but I’ve been relying on it more heavily than usual of late. As I slide into a new home, I’m faced with all sorts of quandaries. DIY projects abound, curiosities need sating, and in general, I’m finding myself thirsty for knowledge in an area that I’m somewhat unfamiliar with.

Read more here: Boy Genius Report

Posted in Mobile.