Jay Z’s Tidal is in a State of Chaos – Second CEO Fired in 3 Months

%name Jay Z’s Tidal is in a State of Chaos – Second CEO Fired in 3 Months by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Is it ever a good sign when your company loses two CEOs in the span of three months? It most certainly isn’t and that’s why it’s safe to say that Jay Z’s Tidal is pretty much in a state of chaos. The Wall Street Journal reports that former Tidal CEO Peter Tonstad has been “let go” by the company after just three months on the job. Tonstad was always intended to be an interim CEO but apparently Tidal didn’t want him to hold down that post any longer while it looked for a permanent chief executive. According to WSJ, Tidal “will be run by executives in New York and Oslo until a new chief is in place.”

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