It’s Friday. It’s summer. Here are 10 excuses you can use to leave work early

%name It’s Friday. It’s summer. Here are 10 excuses you can use to leave work early by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It’s Friday afternoon, it’s gorgeous outside, and you’re sitting at your desk staring out the window. It’s agonizing. To be perfectly honest, you’re probably not going to get anything done for the rest of the day anyway. So why fight it? Stop wasting your time stalking your friends on Facebook. Take off… that’s what summers are for.

Of course, pulling off this caper means coming up with a good excuse. It needs to be something out of your control and unavoidable, and it also needs to be important enough that it can’t be ignored.

Don’t take things too far and say something awful, like claiming a family member died or is in the hospital. That’s just wrong, and it has to be bad karma. Instead, try one of the 10 excuses listed below.

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