iPhone 6s and 6s Plus uncovered in logs a month before launch

%name iPhone 6s and 6s Plus uncovered in logs a month before launch by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Yes, it’s true: We’re getting at least two new iPhones soon. Try to act surprised. Mobile marketing platform Fiksu this week did a search through its logs to see if it could find any new Apple devices… and lo and behold, it did. Specifically, Fiksu found that devices that were identified as “iPhone 8,1” and “iPhone 8,2” showed up in its logs repeatedly over the last month. In case you’re wondering, the iPhone 6 Plus shows up in Fiksu’s logs as “iPhone 7,1” and the iPhone 6 shows up as “iPhone 7,2,” so it’s not as though Apple is going to skip ahead all the way to the iPhone 8 this year.

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