HTC’s shameless iPhone ripoff shown in leaked pictures

%name HTC’s shameless iPhone ripoff shown in leaked pictures by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Things are not going well right now for HTC, which makes what are indisputably some of the best smartphones in the world. The company’s problem — apart from the fact that it thought releasing a flagship phone that’s barely an update from last year’s model was a good idea mid-tailspin — is that it simply doesn’t have the size or marketing budget to battle Samsung in the Android market.

However, it looks like things are about to take an interesting turn: Just as Samsung ripped off Apple’s iPhone to aid in its climb to the top (remember that damning 132-page internal report on how to copy the iPhone pixel by pixel?), it appears as though HTC is preparing to follow suit as it struggles to regain its footing in the smartphone market it once briefly led.

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