Holocaust Hero Who Saved 669 Children and Kept It a Secret for 50 Years Dies at 106

%name Holocaust Hero Who Saved 669 Children and Kept It a Secret for 50 Years Dies at 106 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Sir Nicholas Winton has died at age 106. His death comes on the 76th anniversary of his departure from Prague on a train that carried many of the Jewish children whose lives he saved. That train in 1939 carried 241 out of the 669 total children who evaded the Nazi camps where their families were taken to die.

Most people haven’t heard about Winton before, simply because he was very good at keeping his inspiring actions a secret. It wasn’t until 50 years after the events took place that the public at large learned about his heroic acts — and it all happened by chance.

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