Facebook launches M: Not James Bond’s boss, but a Siri-like virtual assistant with a huge twist

%name Facebook launches M: Not James Bond’s boss, but a Siri like virtual assistant with a huge twist by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Facebook’s mobile Messenger app is arguably one of the most used messaging apps out there, being available to both registered and unregistered Facebook users. The app offers VoIP and video calls on top of regular instant messaging, and a slew of other features. Facebook, however, is not done pimping out Messenger, and the company has created its own virtual assistant that’s supposed to take on competitors, including Siri, Google Now and Cortana, but with a huge twist.

And no, the fact that it’s called M has nothing to do with James Bond’s boss, who happens to be the head of the MI6.

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