Life hack: Hidden trick helps you navigate New York’s Central Park without Google Maps

%name Life hack: Hidden trick helps you navigate New York’s Central Park without Google Maps by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Did you ever get lost in New York’s gorgeous Central Park? If you did, then you have to know there’s an extremely simple trick to help you find your way without having to see a landmark building, figure out where North is, ask a stranger for directions or whip out your iPhone or Android smartphone to load Google Maps.

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Free app shows lyrics to any Apple Music song right in your iPhone’s Notification Center

%name Free app shows lyrics to any Apple Music song right in your iPhone’s Notification Center by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Apple Music is the latest and greatest service from Apple as the company looks to regain some of the ground it lost while streaming services took off. iTunes Radio didn’t gain any traction to speak of, and Apple knew it had to come up with something special if it hoped to compete with Spotify and Pandora. So, the company bought Beats and now Apple Music is finally here.

The new service is packed full of features — so many features that some areas can be a bit confusing. Third-party developers still have some ideas for how the service can be made even better though, and one of the latest comes from Musixmatch.

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It’s almost impossible to make money selling Android phones

%name It’s almost impossible to make money selling Android phones by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A lot of people have second guessed Nokia and BlackBerry in the past because they stuck with their own operating systems and didn’t just switch to Android. But while neither of those companies has performed at all well over the past several years, it’s also true that switching to Android isn’t some magic profit machine. In fact, it seems that it’s become just about impossible to make money selling Android phones.

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First ever death-defying quadruple BMX backflip captured on video

%name First ever death defying quadruple BMX backflip captured on video by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Riding a BMX bike might be an easy task for anyone who knows how to handle one, but you’re about to see a video that shows you what professionals can really do with the tiny bike. It turns out that many professional BMX riders have tried and failed to become the first to land a quadruple backflip, which is a complicated stunt that requires plenty of skill and patience. However, that changed a few days ago when one BMX rider managed to pull off the incredible move.

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This amazing animated GIF demonstrates the magic of tech innovation

%name This amazing animated GIF demonstrates the magic of tech innovation by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It’s easy to take the modern-day wonderland we live in for granted. With desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones now more prevalent than ever, it’s just as easy to forget how cluttered our lives were before these technological advancements entered the mainstream and became commonplace.

Highlighting this rapid evolution, eBay recently put together an animated gif demonstrating how technological innovations have not only changed our lives, but have helped clear room on what were previously cluttered desks.

Behold, the evolution of the desk.

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An age-old tradition may die with Windows 10

%name An age old tradition may die with Windows 10 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Microsoft is getting ready to release Windows 10, a new PC operating system that will be available as a free download for a large number of current Windows users. However, the free Windows 10 upgrade offer is only good if you download the new OS within one year of the official July 29th launch date, and enterprise users will have to pay either way.

That means many Windows users out there will still have to buy licenses, and now they know what the retail box will look like.

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Would you buy a Microsoft smartphone? Reasons are getting scarce

%name Would you buy a Microsoft smartphone? Reasons are getting scarce by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Microsoft is not a force in phones and never has been. The software giant’s $7.6 billion write-off of its phone business makes it even less likely now that consumers will opt for its phones.

The Windows Phone platform is projected to have about 3 percent of the global phone market in 2015, according to market researcher IDC. That compares to about an 80 percent share for Android and over 16 percent for Apple (iOS).

With Android and Apple controlling the global phone market, that leaves very little for Microsoft to build a consumer phone business on. So, here’s a tough question for consumers: Would you buy a phone from a company that has just stated, however elliptically, that its consumer phone strategy is a bust?

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Here are the best trailers from San Diego Comic-Con 2015

%name Here are the best trailers from San Diego Comic Con 2015 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you ever have the chance to attend Comic-Con in San Diego, you should take it. It’s an incredibly chaotic and suffocatingly crowded event, but it has become one of the most important events of the year for the entertainment industry. There are dozens of panels to attend, stars to meet and items to buy that you won’t find anywhere else.

But the great thing is that even if you can’t attend, you still won’t miss the best part: The trailers.

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