Apple can’t force the FBI to reveal how it broke into the San Bernardino iPhone

%name Apple can’t force the FBI to reveal how it broke into the San Bernardino iPhone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The FBI confirmed on Monday what many people suspected: The San Bernardino iPhone can be unlocked without Apple’s help.

Using the services of a security company familiar with the inner workings of iOS 9 and the iPhone, the FBI cracked Apple’s security features. The agency bypassed the San Bernardino iPhone’s encryption and was able to retrieve the data stored on the iPhone using a mysterious technique that rendered phone’s the PIN protection useless.

As much as it would obviously like to, Apple can’t force the FBI to disclose the security hole, which means others could use a similar hack to break into iPhones in the future until Apple discovers the vulnerability and patches it.


Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

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