A list of actors who consistently appear in either the best or worst movies

%name A list of actors who consistently appear in either the best or worst movies by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

I heard an interesting debate the other day regarding whether or not movie stars are replaceable as it pertains to film quality. In other words, would Deadpool have been any less or more cool with Matt Damon as the lead as opposed to Ryan Renyolds? Does a film like The Curious Case of Benjamin Button need the acting prowess of Brad Pitt, or would the film have worked just as well with an equally competent actor no one had ever heard of?

Even if we assume that most actors are replaceable, it’s hard to deny that there exists a small contingent of actors who are so talented – i.e Sean Penn in Milk or John Malkovich in In the Line of Fire – that it’s near impossible to imagine them being replaced by anyone else without affecting the resulting film. On top of this, some actors just have a knack for knowing how to pick the right type of projects that really enable them to show off their acting chops.


Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

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