YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS: Don’t go to an Apple store and bend their iPhones like these two kids did

%name YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS: Dont go to an Apple store and bend their iPhones like these two kids did by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

One of the funniest moments in The Wire comes when Stringer Bell notices one of his gang’s members has been keeping minutes during a meeting about the foundation of a citywide alliance between rival drug dealers. Bell was obviously not pleased with this and incredulously asked him why he was “taking notes on a criminal f—ing conspiracy.” We were reminded of this scene when we stumbled upon a video of two kids from the U.K. who filmed themselves going into an Apple Store and bending its iPhone 6 models while thinking they would somehow never get caught even after they uploaded the video onto the Internet.

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Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

Posted in Mobile.