Tim Cook surprises Apple fans waiting for the iPhone 6 in Palo Alto

%name Tim Cook surprises Apple fans waiting for the iPhone 6 in Palo Alto by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Tim Cook knows he’s got a hit on his hands with the iPhone 6 and he’s taken some time out of his day to meet and greet iPhone fans who are waiting in line at the Apple retail outlet in Palo Alto, California. IDG News reporter Martyn Williams brings us word that Cook has been walking up and down the line at the Palo Alto store on Friday to meet customers and thank them for coming out. Cook was apparently asked if he was going to wait in line with them to buy his own iPhone 6 and the CEO replied that he’d already got his months ago. Be sure to check out Williams’ picture of Cook meeting with Apple fans below.

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Posted in Mobile.