This unexpectedly gorgeous Moto 360 rival comes from a surprising source

%name This unexpectedly gorgeous Moto 360 rival comes from a surprising source by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

There’s a lot of hype around the upcoming Moto 360 smartwatch, as Motorola was the first Android Wear device maker to come up with an awesome gadget that uses the most basic watch design lines – not to worry though, Samsung plans to quickly follow with a round smartwatch, even if it takes a few trial runs to get the new smartwatch model right. However, while the Gear watchmaker is patenting round smartwatches, a different company – one you’d never expect to come out with such a device – is working on an unbelievably gorgeous Moto 360 rival, Engadget has discovered.

Read more here: Boy Genius Report

Posted in Mobile.