The market is about to be flooded with some of the weirdest ‘smart’ devices you’ve ever seen

%name The market is about to be flooded with some of the weirdest ‘smart’ devices you’ve ever seen by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

We all have witnessed the depressing news flow about slowing smartphone and tablet sales growth over the past 12 months. But this week, Semiconductor Industry Association threw a curve ball by announcing that chip sales actually increased by a surprisingly robust 11% in the first half of 2014 compared the same period in 2013. SIA is actually hiking its annual growth estimate to 6.5% from earlier projection of 4.1% growth. How can chip sales growth be accelerating if phone and tablet markets are mediocre?

Read more here: Boy Genius Report

Posted in Mobile.