Samsung has an amazing smartphone for ‘The Avengers’ sequel… too bad it’s not actually functional

%name Samsung has an amazing smartphone for ‘The Avengers’ sequel… too bad it’s not actually functional by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It’s no secret anymore that you’ll see plenty of Samsung product placements in the upcoming The Avengers: Age of Ultron movie this summer, as the South Korean company made that abundantly clear not too long ago when it launched an exclusive extended trailer version of the first official trailer for the movie. But, in addition to existing Samsung devices you might see in the movie, the company has come up with other interesting never-before-seen gadgets that will appear in the movie. Unfortunately, as Business Insider reports, these special Samsung toys aren’t real, and you shouldn’t expect to see them in stores too soon.

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Posted in Mobile.