Here’s what to do if the iOS 8.1 update hurt your iPhone 6’s battery life

%name Here’s what to do if the iOS 8.1 update hurt your iPhone 6’s battery life by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It seems as though each new iOS update Apple releases has a negative impact on battery life for some users. There are plenty of theories on why that might be, and they range from updated iPhones and iPads having to re-index files, to some users simply being unaware of increased usage as they explore new features. The truth is that there are numerous issues that can impact iPhone and iPad battery life following an update, and it varies on a case by case basis.

Since Apple released iOS 8.1 earlier this month, BGR has received several emails from iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who say that their battery life took a noticeable hit after updating to Apple’s latest software. While there unfortunately isn’t one solution for everyone, we have found a simple trick that seems to help many users.

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Posted in Mobile.