Google’s best iOS app got even better with a big update

%name Google’s best iOS app got even better with a big update by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It seems odd since Google and Apple are huge rivals, but Google is indeed one of the best software companies in the world when it comes to iOS apps. Google’s apps — at least, the ones that are updated regularly — always feature beautiful designs and great functionality. In fact, some might argue that Google’s iOS apps are even better than Apple’s own iOS apps. Personally, I can say that Google’s Search app in particular is easily one of the apps I use most often. It brings Google’s incredible Google Now functionality to iOS and it makes searching the web a breeze; I rarely use Safari at all on my iPhone, opting instead to do a quick search with Google’s nifty app to visit a website.

And thanks to a recent update, Google’s iOS Search app is now better than ever.

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Posted in Mobile.