Google Glass finally has a reason to exist

%name Google Glass finally has a reason to exist by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Plenty of technology enthusiasts scoffed at us when we repeatedly explained that Google Glass, though interesting, is simply not a mass-market product right now. Fast-forward to today, and it’s fairly clear that the wearable device is indeed a niche product. Glass is too far ahead of its time, too expensive, too limited and far too nerdy for the majority of us. That’s not to say similar products won’t eventually proliferate, and it’s also not to say that no one should buy Glass. As a niche device, there are several industries for which Google Glass could have a dramatic impact, and there are also some special use cases that Google Glass is perfect for.

Now, a new app being developed by researchers has shown us just how amazing Google Glass can be in some cases.

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Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

Posted in Mobile.