Facebook’s autoplay video ads blamed for jacking up users’ phone bills

%name Facebook’s autoplay video ads blamed for jacking up users’ phone bills by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

One the absolute most annoying things that Facebook has done over the last year has been to add autoplay video ads to its mobile app that can quickly rip through your monthly mobile data cap if you aren’t careful. Consumer finance website MoneySavingExpert.com says that it’s recently “seen many complaints from people who have been stung with data bills after exceeding their monthly allowance and who believe it to be because of Facebook autoplaying videos,” which shouldn’t be surprising given how much data videos consume. The website says that it’s confirmed that videos are set by default to automatically play no matter what kind of network you’re connected to.

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Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

Posted in Mobile.