Mac malware hit all-time high in 2015

%name Mac malware hit all time high in 2015 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Historically, the Mac has been much less prone to various types of malware attacks than Windows machines. Of course, this is largely due to the fact that Windows, on account of its dominant market share, has long been a much more appealing target for hackers. But in recent years, as Apple’s share of the PC market has grown, malware specifically targeting Apple’s Mac platform slowly but surely began to increase. In the process, the types of malware attacks targeting Macs have also became far more insidious and, at times, sophisticated.

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Amazon sale: Vinyl record player also plays music from your iPhone or Android

%name Amazon sale: Vinyl record player also plays music from your iPhone or Android by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Enjoy your old school vinyl records with the modern flare of a system that will also play CDs, has a radio and input for smartphones and tablets. The Electrohome Signature Vinyl Record Player Classic Turntable Natural Wood Hi-Fi Stereo System offers more than just the features you might find on a standard record player, and is on sale for $199.99 with free shipping on Amazon.

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Apple Store employee used fake credit cards to steal $1 million in Apple gift cards

%name Apple Store employee used fake credit cards to steal $1 million in Apple gift cards by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Someone apparently wasn’t satisfied with the employee discount.

NBC New York reported on Tuesday that Apple Store employee Ruben Profit was arrested and charged with grand larceny after “allegedly re-coding credit and debit cards” while working at the retail location in the Queens Center Mall in order to purchase $997,000 worth of Apple gift cards from his own store.

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Global report on Android details the main apps that abuse battery and hinder performance

%name Global report on Android details the main apps that abuse battery and hinder performance by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Many people have complained that Facebook is a major battery hog on iOS 9 devices, as the mobile app seems to consume plenty of juice even when it’s been expressly told not to run any activities in the background. But it looks like Facebook is also the most battery-unfriendly app on Android, according to a fresh report on the least energy-efficient apps in Google’s Play Store.

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Global report on Android details the main apps that abuse battery and hinder performance

%name Global report on Android details the main apps that abuse battery and hinder performance by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Many people have complained that Facebook is a major battery hog on iOS 9 devices, as the mobile app seems to consume plenty of juice even when it’s been expressly told not to run any activities in the background. But it looks like Facebook is also the most battery-unfriendly app on Android, according to a fresh report on the least energy-efficient apps in Google’s Play Store.

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The evolution of US military camouflage

%name The evolution of US military camouflage by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Last summer, the U.S. Army confirmed that soldiers will begin wearing the new Army Combat Uniform (ACU) that bears the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) – also known as Scorpion W2. They are now being issued, and soldiers are expected to retire their prior uniforms by summer 2018.

This means it’s the end of the line for the Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP), which was known for its digital-like appearance. Camouflage has undergone numerous changes in the past decade, and the new OCP is just the latest effort by the U.S. military to develop the “perfect camouflage.”

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Last call: Every movie and TV show leaving Netflix in November

%name Last call: Every movie and TV show leaving Netflix in November by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

You know it’s not a great month when there are more decent movies and shows leaving Netflix than being added to the service. Unfortunately, that’s the case for November, but we’ve got the full list of content expiring next month right here for you, so you can plan accordingly before your queue suddenly empties itself out.

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