Revealed: The speech Nixon would have given had Armstrong and Aldrin got stuck on the moon

%name Revealed: The speech Nixon would have given had Armstrong and Aldrin got stuck on the moon by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In a depressing alternate reality, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin successfully landed on the moon only to get stuck there after a critical equipment failure. That thankfully didn’t happen 46 years ago today, but in 1969 President Richard Nixon and his staff had to prepare to that grim possibility, which is why they had a speech written for if Armstrong and Aldrin had been stranded in outer space.

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Early adopters love the Apple Watch even more than the iPhone

%name Early adopters love the Apple Watch even more than the iPhone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The Apple Watch is apparently under performing many analysts’ expectations but people who have bought the device seem to love it. A survey conducted by Wristly and Ben Bajarin of Techpinions of 1,000 Apple Watch owners shows that 66% are very satisfied with the device while 31% are somewhat satisfied. In total, the Apple Watch has a customer satisfaction rating of 97%, which is higher than earlier customer satisfaction ratings for the first-generation iPhone and iPad.

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Microsoft launches its first ads for Windows 10 – check them out right here

%name Microsoft launches its first ads for Windows 10 – check them out right here by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It was inevitable. They even told us it was coming, but I was still somehow surprised to see a Windows 10 ad parading around the Internet this morning. With ten days left until the launch of Microsoft’s next operating system, the first full commercial was shared on the Windows YouTube channel — an attempt to humanize a piece of software.

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Better than most Prime Day deals: One of Sony’s best sound bars is on sale for $170 on Amazon

%name Better than most Prime Day deals: One of Sony’s best sound bars is on sale for $170 on Amazon by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When Prime Day kicked off last week, I think it took a few hours for the harsh reality of the situation to sink in. Amazon hyped up a sale that would eclipse Black Friday, and instead what we got was a clearance sale of junk that must have been sitting in the back of a warehouse somewhere. It really stunk, but thankfully, now that Prime Day is over, the worthwhile deals have returned.

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Instagram might steal your account to give it to a famous person who also has your name

%name Instagram might steal your account to give it to a famous person who also has your name by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

What happens when you have the same name as a popular football star and you also own a potentially highly coveted Instagram handle? Just ask Andrés Iniesta — the regular man, not the Spanish superstar — and he’ll tell you that Instagram might freeze you out of your own account for no apparent reason.

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Two Gawker editors resign, act like self-righteous turds on the way out

%name Two Gawker editors resign, act like self righteous turds on the way out by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Last week Gawker helped an escort blackmail an executive at a rival media company when it published a story about his attempts to hook up with the escort, who had threatened to rat his client out to the media unless he helped him with a housing dispute. When the executive refused, the escort went running to Gawker, which happily published the story and then faced a torrent of outrage from readers and fellow journalists in response. And now the story has gotten even crazier.

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The most incredible trampoline basketball trick you’ll ever see

%name The most incredible trampoline basketball trick you’ll ever see by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Given the sheer volume of head-scratching and awe-inspiring video content that fills up the web on a daily basis, it’s not too often that we come across a video that truly blows us away. The entertainment bar, so to speak, has been elevated to such an extent that really impressive feats are harder to come by than ever before.

Well, the video below not only meets that bar, but arguably sets it even higher. You want to be blown away? You want to be impressed? Look no further, friends. Your search has come to an end.

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Apple slyly trolls Android with new ‘If it’s not an iPhone’ ad

%name Apple slyly trolls Android with new ‘If it’s not an iPhone’ ad by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Apple has a new TV ad out for the iPhone and this time it’s taking an indirect shot at its biggest competitor: Android. As part of the If it’s not an iPhone series of ads, the new 30-second commercial is all about the apps. Without the App Store, the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch would be pretty much useless. Hence, Apple’s insistence on apps isn’t surprising.

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Captured ISIS leader forced to make ‘Game of Thrones’-style walk of shame

%name Captured ISIS leader forced to make ‘Game of Thrones’ style walk of shame by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

They say truth is stranger than fiction. And sometimes, well, sometimes truth and fiction overlap in the craziest of ways.

During the season 5 finale of Game of Thrones, a once-proud Cersei Lannister was forced to march for miles through Kings Landing completely naked to atone for her sins. All the while, townspeople spewed vulgar insults in her direction while simultaneously hurling unspeakable objects her way. The scene, which went on for minutes on end, was dramatic and intensely emotional.

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