REVIEW: God of War Collection for PS Vita

%name REVIEW: God of War Collection for PS Vita by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

God of War has been repackaged more than once in the nine years since its original release, but for good reason: it’s one of the best action franchises to ever hit Sony’s home console. The first port of the PlayStation 2 classic to reach retail was God of War Collection on the PlayStation 3, a compilation of the first two titles in the series on one disc. A third and fourth full console title and two well-received portable releases later, Sony has decided to revisit the original God of War Collection, bringing God of War I and God of War II to the PS Vita for the first time. But how do the classics hold up nearly a decade later?

Read more here: Boy Genius Report

Posted in Mobile.